

Site Sell Review

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What is SiteSell.com about ?

SiteSell.com is a proprietary small business Web hosting platform called Site Build It! (SBI!). SBI! has empowered hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses to build Web sites that succeed.

SiteSell.com differs from other web hosts. Why ?
Because, they believe in helping people that want to generate sales for real home-based businesses.

They provide:
-unlimited data transfer,
-point-and-click page building,
-unlimited pages,
-unlimited email accounts,
-e-mail forwarding.

SiteSell.com continued growth is based on its guiding set of principles:

• Overdeliver on customer expectations.
• Empower the customer to succeed.
• Develop cutting-edge proprietary technology.
• Sell at the most competitive price.

Virtually all of SiteSell.com full-time resources work from home, enhancing the quality of their family lives and cutting down on harmful emissions and on consumption of non-renewable energy.
More importantly, SiteSell.com product, Site Build It!, has contributed to the creation of tens of thousands of home businesses, truly changing lives and bringing these same benefits to their owners and to the community at large.

I truly suggest to Visit the Site Build It! home page.